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Ok. I have to admit. I love Swagbucks! It rewards you for searching the web. I know everyone gets online
to look something up. Would you like free gift cards and prizes for something you do anyway? Well that is where Swagbucks comes into play. It is so easy to earn! Here are a few ways:
Search the Web
Shop Online
Trade-In Phones & Video Games
Refer a Friend
Submit a User Poll
Comment on the Blog
Much much more…
Shop Online
Trade-In Phones & Video Games
Refer a Friend
Submit a User Poll
Comment on the Blog
Much much more…
Here are a few more tips to earn the most from Swagbucks!
1. Install their toolbars
2. Set Swag Bucks to your homepage
3.Send in old cell phones/mp3 players or old video games/consoles and they will give you Swag Bucks according to what you send
4. Take a picture of you with the prize and send it to them to earn even more Swag Bucks
5. $5 Amazon gift cards are the best deal! Amazon sells almost everything. If you save up your swagbucks all year it would make for a very cheap Christmas!
6. Submit polls to Swag Bucks. If they use your idea, they will reward you with Swag Bucks.
7. Participate in Swag searches. Sometimes they can be tricky but I am here to help.
8. Anytime you want to visit a webpage type it in the Swagbucks search bar!
*If you have any questions be sure to ask. Sign up for Swagbucks here.